Rock-It Science Classes

                             Dinosaurs Galore!

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  Children will explore the wonderful world of dinosaurs as they venture out on a dinosaur egg hunt, dig for dinosaur bones and dance/sing at the Dinosaur Romp!  Children will discover the wide variety of meat eating and plant eating dinosaurs that once roamed the earth.   Children will learn about and pretend to be paleontologists as they work to "excavate" fossils!  This "hands on" fun filled class is appropriate for preschoolers age 2-5 years old.   Class Duration 40-50 minutes.

Magic Ice

Children will be mesmerized as they watch a series of experiments that explore the wonders of dry ice! Gigantic bubbles form before their eyes, balloons inflate and apple juice becomes sparkling cider. As children watch matter change "form" they will begin to understand the difference between solids, liquids and gases. This class is appropriate for preschoolers age 3-5 years old & for school-age children. Class duration: 30-40 minutes.

Creepy Crawlers

Children will learn about the creepy crawlers and slithering sliders that often hide in the soil, under rocks and in the trees! Children will have an opportunity to take a close up look at LIVE earthworms and learn about their unique features. This "hands on" fun filled class is appropriate for preschoolers age 2-5 years old and schoolage children.
                                    Class duration: 35-45 minutes.

     Sensory Overload
Nothing is more fun than getting your hands a little messy! Children will be amazed as they learn how to make slime and experience a wide variety of sensory centers including: slime, moonsand, water and more! Appropriate for preschoolers age 2-5 years old and school-age children.  Class duration 40-45 minutes.

 More about our Sensational Science Classes......
  • Our Sensational Science Classes are highly interactive and involve lots of hands on exploratory activities! Class content varies between age groups to ensure age appropriate activities are presented.
  • Classes last approximately 30-40 minutes for children 2-3 years old and approximately 40-50 minutes for children 4-5 years old.
  • Typically, if there is an "open" room available, Fiddlestix Kids will hold the science classes there and each class will report to that area at their designated time. If there is not an "open" room available, Fiddlestix Kids will move from classroom to classroom.
  • Fiddlestix Kids follows the guidelines set by the Division of Child Development to determine the max group size for each age group.